# Emulation on Linux

# Waydroid

# Fedora 36

Step 1 Add the Copr repository

sudo dnf copr enable aleasto/waydroid

Step 2 Install waydroid

sudo dnf install waydroid

When launching waydroid from the application menu you'll be asked to initialize waydroid with some android images. Use the following links:

System OTA: https://ota.waydro.id/system

Vendor OTA: https://ota.waydro.id/vendor

# Ubuntu 22.04

Step 1 Install Pre-requisites

sudo apt install curl ca-certificates -y

Step 2 The Repo

Add the repo to your sources.list (for droidian & ubports, this step can be skipped) Replace DISTRO="jammy" with your current target. Options: focal, jammy, ubuntu-devel, bookworm, bullseye, sid

export DISTRO="jammy"
sudo curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -Sf https://repo.waydro.id/waydroid.gpg --output /usr/share/keyrings/waydroid.gpg && \
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/waydroid.gpg] https://repo.waydro.id/ $DISTRO main" > ~/waydroid.list && \
sudo mv ~/waydroid.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/waydroid.list && \
sudo apt update

Step 3 Install Waydroid

sudo apt install waydroid -y

Then start Waydroid from the applications menu.

# Install and Run Android Applications

Waydroid is able to perform a few various operations found by using the waydroid app -h command:

usage: waydroid app [-h] {install,remove,launch,list} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    install             push a single package to the container and install it
    remove              remove single app package from the container
    launch              start single application
    list                list installed applications

To launch an app ising CLI, you would want to use the waydroid app launch command:

waydroid app launch xyz.apk

You can also install Android applications from the command line.

waydroid app install xyz.apk

The apk files you will sometimes find on the internet tend to only have arm support, and will therefore not work on x86_64.

You may want to install F-Droid to get applications graphically. Note that the Google Play Store will not work as is, because it relies on the proprietary Google Play Services, which are not installed.

# Waydroid Prop Options

Waydroid uses various properties in order to tell the underlying Android system how to behave in a few places. To do this, we use the waydroid prop command. To unset a prop, waydroid prop set <property> ""

# Properties

  • waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.multi_windows true/false (bool) Enables/Disables persistent freeform window mode
  • waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.invert_colors true/false (bool) Swaps the color space from RGBA to BGRA (only works with our patched mutter so far)
  • waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.height_padding 0-9999 (int) Adjust Height padding (30 will allow you to use navbar on mobile)
  • waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.width_padding 0-9999 (int) Adjust width padding
  • waydroid prop set waydroid.display_width 0-9999 (int) (auto-generated) Auto generated size of Waydroid screen
  • waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.width 0-9999 (int) Used for user to override desired resolution
  • waydroid prop set persist.waydroid.suspend true/false (bool) Keep Waydroid awake and do not let container sleep

# Setting up a shared folder

Setting up a shared folders to copy files from source to target.

sudo mount --bind <source> <target>


  • Copy files from Linux to Waydroid:
    • on Waydroid Create a /Waydroid/host folder
    • on Host Create a ~/Waydroid/host folder
mkdir ~/Waydroid/host
- Bind Linux folder to the Android one
sudo mount --bind ~/Waydroid/host ~/.local/share/waydroid/data/media/0/Waydroid/host
  • Copy files from Waydroid to Linux :
    • on Waydroid Create a /Waydroid/droid folder
    • on Host Create a ~/Waydroid/droid folder
mkdir ~/Waydroid/droid
- Bind Linux folder to the Android one
sudo mount --bind ~/.local/share/waydroid/data/media/0/Waydroid/droid ~/Waydroid/droid

# Clipboard

Step 1 Install pip

sudo dnf install pip

Step 2 install wl-clipboard

sudo dnf install wl-clipboard

Step 3 install pyclip

pip install --upgrade pip pyclip

Step 4 add $HOME/.local/bin/ to your $PATH


export PATH="$PATH:$(du "$HOME/.local/bin/" | cut -f2 | tr '\n' ':' | sed 's/:*$//')"

to the appropriate file .zshenv or .bashrc or .profile

Step 5 reboot the system