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class ProfilesAdapter(val items: MutableList<QualityDataHelper.QualityProfile>, val usedProfile: Int, val clickCallback: (oldIndex: Int?, newIndex: Int) -> Unit) : AppUtils.DiffAdapter<QualityDataHelper.QualityProfile>
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class QualityProfileDialog(val activity: FragmentActivity, @StyleRes val themeRes: Int, links: List<ExtractorLink>, usedProfile: Int, profileSelectionCallback: (QualityDataHelper.QualityProfile) -> Unit) : Dialog
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data class SourcePriority<T>(val data: T, val name: String, var priority: Int)
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class SourcePriorityDialog(val ctx: Context, @StyleRes themeRes: Int, val links: List<ExtractorLink>, profile: QualityDataHelper.QualityProfile, updatedCallback: () -> Unit) : Dialog