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data class SaveCaptionStyle constructor(var foregroundColor: Int, var backgroundColor: Int, var windowColor: Int, var edgeType: Int, var edgeColor: Int, @FontRes var typeface: Int?, var typefaceFilePath: String?, var elevation: Int, var fixedTextSize: Float?, var removeCaptions: Boolean = false, var removeBloat: Boolean = true, var upperCase: Boolean = false)
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data class SaveChromeCaptionStyle(var fontFamily: String? = null, var fontGenericFamily: Int? = null, var backgroundColor: Int = 16777215, var edgeColor: Int = Color.BLACK, var edgeType: Int = EDGE_TYPE_OUTLINE, var foregroundColor: Int = Color.WHITE, var fontScale: Float = 1.05f, var windowColor: Int = Color.TRANSPARENT)
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class SubtitlesFragment