
constructor(engName: String? = null, japName: String? = null, name: String, url: String, apiName: String, type: TvType, posterUrl: String? = null, year: Int? = null, episodes: MutableMap<DubStatus, List<Episode>> = mutableMapOf(), showStatus: ShowStatus? = null, plot: String? = null, tags: List<String>? = null, synonyms: List<String>? = null, rating: Int? = null, duration: Int? = null, trailers: MutableList<TrailerData> = mutableListOf(), recommendations: List<SearchResponse>? = null, actors: List<ActorData>? = null, comingSoon: Boolean = false, syncData: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf(), posterHeaders: Map<String, String>? = null, nextAiring: NextAiring? = null, seasonNames: List<SeasonData>? = null, backgroundPosterUrl: String? = null)

Secondary constructor for backwards compatibility without contentRating. Remove this constructor after there is a new stable release and extensions are updated to support contentRating.

constructor(engName: String? = null, japName: String? = null, name: String, url: String, apiName: String, type: TvType, posterUrl: String? = null, year: Int? = null, episodes: MutableMap<DubStatus, List<Episode>> = mutableMapOf(), showStatus: ShowStatus? = null, plot: String? = null, tags: List<String>? = null, synonyms: List<String>? = null, rating: Int? = null, duration: Int? = null, trailers: MutableList<TrailerData> = mutableListOf(), recommendations: List<SearchResponse>? = null, actors: List<ActorData>? = null, comingSoon: Boolean = false, syncData: MutableMap<String, String> = mutableMapOf(), posterHeaders: Map<String, String>? = null, nextAiring: NextAiring? = null, seasonNames: List<SeasonData>? = null, backgroundPosterUrl: String? = null, contentRating: String? = null)