
data class TraktEpisode(val availableTranslations: List<String>? = null, val commentCount: Int? = null, val episodeType: String? = null, val firstAired: String? = null, val ids: TraktProvider.Ids? = null, val images: TraktProvider.Images? = null, val number: Int? = null, val numberAbs: Int? = null, val overview: String? = null, val rating: Double? = null, val runtime: Int? = null, val season: Int? = null, val title: String? = null, val updatedAt: String? = null, val votes: Int? = null)(source)


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constructor(availableTranslations: List<String>? = null, commentCount: Int? = null, episodeType: String? = null, firstAired: String? = null, ids: TraktProvider.Ids? = null, images: TraktProvider.Images? = null, number: Int? = null, numberAbs: Int? = null, overview: String? = null, rating: Double? = null, runtime: Int? = null, season: Int? = null, title: String? = null, updatedAt: String? = null, votes: Int? = null)


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val commentCount: Int? = null
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val episodeType: String? = null
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val firstAired: String? = null
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val ids: TraktProvider.Ids? = null
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val number: Int? = null
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val numberAbs: Int? = null
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val overview: String? = null
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val rating: Double? = null
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val runtime: Int? = null
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val season: Int? = null
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val title: String? = null
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val updatedAt: String? = null
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val votes: Int? = null