Library Search Response
abstract class LibrarySearchResponse(var id: Int?, val latestUpdatedTime: Long, val name: String, val url: String, val apiName: String, var type: TvType?, var posterUrl: String?, val year: Int?, val syncData: Map<String, String>?, var quality: SearchQuality?, var posterHeaders: Map<String, String>?, val plot: String? = null, val rating: Int? = null, val tags: List<String>? = null) : SearchResponse(source)
Used to display notifications on new episodes and posters in library.
Link copied to clipboard
constructor(id: Int?, latestUpdatedTime: Long, name: String, url: String, apiName: String, type: TvType?, posterUrl: String?, year: Int?, syncData: Map<String, String>?, quality: SearchQuality?, posterHeaders: Map<String, String>?, plot: String? = null, rating: Int? = null, tags: List<String>? = null)