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val appLanguageExceptions: <Error class: unknown class>

Not all languages can be fetched from locale with a code. This map allows sidestepping the default Locale(languageCode) when setting the app language.

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var keyEventListener: (<Error class: unknown class><KeyEvent?, Boolean>) -> Boolean?
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val onColorSelectedEvent: <Error class: unknown class>
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const val TAG: String


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fun continueGetNextFocus(root: Any?, view: View, direction: FocusDirection, nextId: Int, depth: Int = 0): View?

skips the initial stage of searching for an id using the view, see getNextFocus for specification

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overrides focus and custom key events

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fun Activity?.getCastSession(): <Error class: unknown class>?
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fun getNextFocus(root: Any?, view: View?, direction: FocusDirection, depth: Int = 0): View?

recursively looks for a next focus up to a depth of 10, this is used to override the normal shit focus system because this application has a lot of invisible views that messes with some tv devices

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fun init(act: Activity)
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fun loadThemes(act: Activity?)
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fun onKeyDown(act: Activity?, keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent?)
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fun setActivityInstance(newActivity: Activity?)
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fun setLocale(context: Context?, languageCode: String?)
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fun showToast(message: UiText?, duration: Int? = null)
fun showToast(message: Int, duration: Int? = null)
fun showToast(message: String?, duration: Int? = null)
fun showToast(act: Activity?, text: UiText, duration: Int)

fun showToast(act: Activity?, message: Int, duration: Int? = null)
fun showToast(act: Activity?, message: String?, duration: Int? = null)

duration is Toast.LENGTH_SHORT if null

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