
open class TmdbProvider : MainAPI



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open val apiName: String
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open val disableSeasonZero: Boolean = true
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open val hasChromecastSupport: Boolean = true

Set false if links require referer or for some reason cant be played on a chromecast

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open val hasDownloadSupport: Boolean = true

If all links are encrypted then set this to false

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open override val hasMainPage: Boolean = true
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open val hasQuickSearch: Boolean = false
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open val includeAdult: Boolean = false
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open val instantLinkLoading: Boolean = false

If link is stored in the "data" string, so links can be instantly loaded

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open var lang: String
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used to keep track when last homepage request was in unixtime ms

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open val mainPage: <Error class: unknown class>
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open var mainUrl: String
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open var name: String
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open override val providerType: ProviderType
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if this is turned on then it will request the homepage one after the other, used to delay if they block many request at the same time

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in milliseconds, this can be used to add more delay between homepage requests on first load if sequentialMainPage is turned on

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in milliseconds, this can be used to add more delay between homepage requests when scrolling

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Determines which plugin a given provider is from. This is the full path to the plugin.

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open val supportedSyncNames: <Error class: unknown class>

A set of which ids the provider can open with getLoadUrl() If the set contains SyncIdName.Imdb then getLoadUrl() can be started with an Imdb class which inherits from SyncId.

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open val supportedTypes: <Error class: unknown class>
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open val useMetaLoadResponse: Boolean = false
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open val usesWebView: Boolean = false

Used for testing and can be used to disable the providers if WebView is not available

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open suspend fun extractorVerifierJob(extractorData: String?)

Largely redundant feature for most providers.

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open suspend fun fetchContentRating(id: Int?, country: String): String?
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open suspend fun getLoadUrl(name: SyncIdName, id: String): String?

Get the load() url based on a sync ID like IMDb or MAL. Only contains SyncIds based on supportedSyncUrls.

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open suspend override fun getMainPage(page: Int, request: MainPageRequest): HomePageResponse
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open fun getVideoInterceptor(extractorLink: ExtractorLink): <Error class: unknown class>?

An okhttp interceptor for used in OkHttpDataSource

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fun init()
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open suspend override fun load(url: String): LoadResponse?

Based on data from search() or getMainPage() it generates a LoadResponse, basically opening the info page from a link.

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open fun loadFromImdb(imdb: String): LoadResponse?
open fun loadFromImdb(imdb: String, seasons: List<<Error class: unknown class>>): LoadResponse?
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open fun loadFromTmdb(tmdb: Int): LoadResponse?
open fun loadFromTmdb(tmdb: Int, seasons: List<<Error class: unknown class>>): LoadResponse?
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open suspend fun loadLinks(data: String, isCasting: Boolean, subtitleCallback: (SubtitleFile) -> Unit, callback: (ExtractorLink) -> Unit): Boolean

Callback is fired once a link is found, will return true if method is executed successfully

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suspend fun MainAPI.newAnimeLoadResponse(name: String, url: String, type: TvType, comingSoonIfNone: Boolean = true, initializer: suspend AnimeLoadResponse.() -> Unit = { }): AnimeLoadResponse
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fun MainAPI.newAnimeSearchResponse(name: String, url: String, type: TvType = TvType.Anime, fix: Boolean = true, initializer: AnimeSearchResponse.() -> Unit = { }): AnimeSearchResponse
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fun <T> MainAPI.newEpisode(data: T, initializer: Episode.() -> Unit = { }): Episode
fun MainAPI.newEpisode(url: String, initializer: Episode.() -> Unit = { }, fix: Boolean = true): Episode
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suspend fun <T> MainAPI.newMovieLoadResponse(name: String, url: String, type: TvType, data: T?, initializer: suspend MovieLoadResponse.() -> Unit = { }): MovieLoadResponse
suspend fun MainAPI.newMovieLoadResponse(name: String, url: String, type: TvType, dataUrl: String, initializer: suspend MovieLoadResponse.() -> Unit = { }): MovieLoadResponse
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fun MainAPI.newMovieSearchResponse(name: String, url: String, type: TvType = TvType.Movie, fix: Boolean = true, initializer: MovieSearchResponse.() -> Unit = { }): MovieSearchResponse
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suspend fun MainAPI.newTvSeriesLoadResponse(name: String, url: String, type: TvType, episodes: List<Episode>, initializer: suspend TvSeriesLoadResponse.() -> Unit = { }): TvSeriesLoadResponse
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fun MainAPI.newTvSeriesSearchResponse(name: String, url: String, type: TvType = TvType.TvSeries, fix: Boolean = true, initializer: TvSeriesSearchResponse.() -> Unit = { }): TvSeriesSearchResponse
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open suspend fun quickSearch(query: String): List<SearchResponse>?
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open suspend override fun search(query: String): List<SearchResponse>?