Package-level declarations
We need to convert the newer SubtitleParser to an older SubtitleDecoder
Used for torrent to pre-download a video before playing it
Event from player to give all embedded subtitles
this is used by the player to load the next or prev episode
player error when rendering or misc, used to display toast or log
Pause event, separate from StatusEvent
on attach player to view
Play event, separate from StatusEvent
this is used to update UI based of the current time, using requestedListeningPercentages as well as saving time
PreviewGenerator that hides the implementation details of the sub generators that is used, used for source switch cache
current player starts, asking for all other programs to shut the fuck up
Event when the video is resized aka changed resolution or mirror
Event when the player status update, along with the previous status (for animation)
Event from player to inform that subtitles have updated in some way
Event when timestamps appear, null when it should disappear
Event for when a chapter is skipped, aka when event is handled (or for future use when skip automatically ads/sponsor)
Event when tracks are changed, used for UI changes
Event when the player video has ended, up to the settings on what to do when that happens
toleranceAfterUs – The maximum time that the actual position seeked to may exceed the requested seek position, in microseconds. Must be non-negative.
toleranceBeforeUs – The maximum time that the actual position seeked to may precede the requested seek position, in microseconds. Must be non-negative.