Download Meta Data
data class DownloadMetaData(id: Int?, var bytesDownloaded: Long = 0, var bytesWritten: Long = 0, var totalBytes: Long? = null, lastUpdatedMs: Long = 0, lastDownloadedBytes: Long = 0, createNotificationCallback: (VideoDownloadManager.CreateNotificationMetadata) -> Unit, internalType: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadType = DownloadType.IsPending, var hlsProgress: Int = 0, var hlsTotal: Int? = null, var hlsWrittenProgress: Int = 0, downloadFileInfoTemplate: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadedFileInfo? = null) : Closeable(source)
This class handles the notifications, as well as the relevant key
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constructor(id: Int?, bytesDownloaded: Long = 0, bytesWritten: Long = 0, totalBytes: Long? = null, lastUpdatedMs: Long = 0, lastDownloadedBytes: Long = 0, createNotificationCallback: (VideoDownloadManager.CreateNotificationMetadata) -> Unit, internalType: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadType = DownloadType.IsPending, hlsProgress: Int = 0, hlsTotal: Int? = null, hlsWrittenProgress: Int = 0, downloadFileInfoTemplate: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadedFileInfo? = null)