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data class CreateNotificationMetadata(val type: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadType, val bytesDownloaded: Long, val bytesTotal: Long, val hlsProgress: Long? = null, val hlsTotal: Long? = null, val bytesPerSecond: Long)
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data class DownloadedFileInfo(val totalBytes: Long, val relativePath: String, val displayName: String, val extraInfo: String? = null, val basePath: String? = null)
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data class DownloadedFileInfoResult(val fileLength: Long, val totalBytes: Long, val path: Uri)
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data class DownloadEpisodeMetadata(val id: Int, val mainName: String, val sourceApiName: String?, val poster: String?, val name: String?, val season: Int?, val episode: Int?, val type: TvType?)
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data class DownloadInfo(val source: String?, val folder: String?, val ep: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadEpisodeMetadata, val links: List<ExtractorLink>)
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data class DownloadItem(val source: String?, val folder: String?, val ep: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadEpisodeMetadata, val links: List<ExtractorLink>)
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data class DownloadMetaData(id: Int?, var bytesDownloaded: Long = 0, var bytesWritten: Long = 0, var totalBytes: Long? = null, lastUpdatedMs: Long = 0, lastDownloadedBytes: Long = 0, createNotificationCallback: (VideoDownloadManager.CreateNotificationMetadata) -> Unit, internalType: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadType = DownloadType.IsPending, var hlsProgress: Int = 0, var hlsTotal: Int? = null, var hlsWrittenProgress: Int = 0, downloadFileInfoTemplate: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadedFileInfo? = null) : Closeable

This class handles the notifications, as well as the relevant key

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data class DownloadResumePackage(val item: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadItem, val linkIndex: Int?)
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data class DownloadStatus(val retrySame: Boolean, val tryNext: Boolean, val success: Boolean)
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data class LazyStreamDownloadData(url: String, headers: Map<String, String>, referer: String, chuckStartByte: LongArray, val totalLength: Long?, val downloadLength: Long?, val chuckSize: Long, val bufferSize: Int)
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data class LazyStreamDownloadResponse(val bytes: ByteArray, val startByte: Long, val endByte: Long)

bytes have the size end-start where the byte range is [start,end) note that ByteArray is a pointer and therefore cant be stored without cloning it

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data class StreamData(fileLength: Long, val file: SafeFile)


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suspend fun downloadCheck(context: Context, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit)
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suspend fun downloadEpisode(context: Context?, source: String?, folder: String?, ep: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadEpisodeMetadata, links: List<ExtractorLink>, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit)
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fun downloadEpisodeUsingWorker(context: Context, source: String?, folder: String?, ep: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadEpisodeMetadata, links: List<ExtractorLink>)
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suspend fun downloadFromResume(context: Context, pkg: VideoDownloadManager.DownloadResumePackage, notificationCallback: (Int, Notification) -> Unit, setKey: Boolean = true)
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suspend fun downloadThing(context: Context, link: IDownloadableMinimum, name: String, folder: String, extension: String, tryResume: Boolean, parentId: Int?, createNotificationCallback: (VideoDownloadManager.CreateNotificationMetadata) -> Unit, parallelConnections: Int = 3, minimumSize: Long = 100): VideoDownloadManager.DownloadStatus

download a file that consist of a single stream of data

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fun Context.getBasePath(): Pair<SafeFile?, String?>

Base path where downloaded things should be stored, changes depending on settings. Returns the file and a string to be stored for future file retrieval. UniFile.filePath is not sufficient for storage.

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fun getDefaultDir(context: Context): SafeFile?

Gets the default download path as an UniFile. Vital for legacy downloads, be careful about changing anything here.

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fun getFolder(context: Context, relativePath: String, basePath: String?): List<Pair<String, Uri>>?

Used for getting video player subs.

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fun Context.getImageBitmapFromUrl(url: String, headers: Map<String, String>? = null): Bitmap?
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fun sanitizeFilename(name: String, removeSpaces: Boolean = false): String
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fun setupStream(context: Context, name: String, folder: String?, extension: String, tryResume: Boolean): VideoDownloadManager.StreamData

fun setupStream(baseFile: SafeFile, name: String, folder: String?, extension: String, tryResume: Boolean): VideoDownloadManager.StreamData

Sets up the appropriate file and creates a data stream from the file. Used for initializing downloads.

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suspend fun streamLazy(url: String, headers: Map<String, String>, referer: String, startByte: Long, chuckSize: Long = (1 shl 20) * 10, bufferSize: Int = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, maximumSmallSize: Long = chuckSize * 2): VideoDownloadManager.LazyStreamDownloadData